
The amazing team at AL-Noor orphanage earn their kids four new bikes. Bike4All, together with Active Bodies Sports Development (ABSD), recently donated four bikes to the Al-Noor orphanage in Woodstock. We were very keen to help Al-Noor who do incredible work in providing accommodation, education, medical, cultural and human basic needs

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Another heartfelt story of when Peter and Gerry walked their sick dog from their Groenvlei Farm in Phillipi to the Animal Welfare Society. What brave young men they were. We hope their new bikes will enhance their mobility and save them transport money. Be safe Peter and Gerry and enjoy

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Funride helps homeless dogs

When the 2017 Cape Town Cycle Tour was cancelled less than an hour into the event, the Pedal Power Association organised a new 100 km road event to take place the following weekend, giving a few hundred cyclists the opportunity to get rid of some of the energy and fitness

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Many people think of bicycles in terms of sport or recreation; as a means to participate in road or off-road funrides, or simply to get fit and healthy. But the bicycle is the ideal vehicle for transportation, especially for short trips to the school, shop or work.
In January 2017,

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