Shakeel Pays It Forward

As part of our Pay It Forward initiative, Roelf September has received a new Bike4All bicycle thanks to a heartfelt motivation by his employer, Shakeel Kaskaar, who explains just how much of a difference a bike will make to his life. In his own words, this was Shakeel’s successful motivation.

Roelf “Mannekie” September has become the latest recipient of a Bike4All bicycle as part of our Pay It Forward initiative – and it was thanks to his employer, Shakeel Kaskar…

“I have over the years carved out a niche for myself doing a bit of buying and selling using social media platforms and classified sites. I have a helper, Roelf September, who has been my assistant in this endeavour of mine.

“He is has had a dependency on alcohol for a long time, but has been sober for most of this year in an attempt to turn his life around. So far he has really been exemplary in this regard. About two months ago he had some health issues that put further strain on him, but his response has been to be even more proactive with regard to his health, what he eats, and how he goes about looking after himself. He doesn’t smoke and is in good shape for his age; he will be 60 in April, next year.

“Travelling costs, mostly on the train, eats a fair chunk of his wages and is not the most reliable, most of the time. A bicycle will make an enormous difference in his life. I even prefaced this communication by asking him if having a bicycle would enable him in a positive manner, to which he enthusiastically replied… ‘Jaa!!’.

“Should you need any additional information in this regard to a positive decision in favour of Roelf aka Mannekie, please let me know. Many thanks for your consideration in this regard.”

Needless to say, Shakeel’s motivation did get a positive response … and Mannekie has his new Bike4All bicycle!